Saturday, April 26, 2008

Uh Oh!

one thing that's really fun about this age is the way you're learning to communicate better and better.

often i'll hear you over the monitor from your room saying "Uh oh! Uh oh! Uh oh!" the first time you did this, i wondered if you were just talking, but then i realized you had probably dropped your pacifier through the bars. i went in to check, and that's what had happened. it's pretty neat that you can say things now, and we know more about what is going on inside your mind or what you want or need.

your dad and sam love to get you to repeat things they say. your favorites are "uh oh," of course, and also "appies!" (i think this is from "apples," one of the first words you started saying a long time ago, from one of your book, but now you say it all the time. i guess you just like how that sounds.), and also "dogs!" and "woof woof!" and "eyes" (while you poke your own eye or someone else's)

sometimes we'll say things to you without trying to get you to repeat it, but you say it anyway. tonight you said "six" (we were playing chutes and ladders at dinner, and sam kept saying six, because it was the number he rolled.)... and the other day in target, i kept telling you to sit down on your bottom, so you said, "sit!" (unfortunately you didn't actually sit. you just smiled and said "sit!")

you also like to shake or nod your head in response to questions. usually it's totally arbitrary which one you'll do. you went through a phase for a few days of only ever nodding "yes" to everything your daddy said to you or asked you, except for the questions, "do you want to go to mommy now?" or "can i put you down now?", which were firm No! shakes. you sure love your daddy.

you are a smart and sweet and silly girl.

love, mom

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