Sunday, April 27, 2008

Happy 17 Months Birthday!

i am cheating and changing the date on this, since i didn't get to post it on your actual 17 months birthday. don't tell anyone!

you are getting more fun and funny and spunky and able all the time. really, it seems like every part of your personality is blossoming lately.

you have discovered all kinds of funny faces that you like to make at people, all of a sudden. if this past month is any indication, you might be starting to get sillier and less shy than we thought so far.

you really work to get the attention of people near you at the grocery store, or sitting a few tables away at a restaurant.

you say a lot of words and make a lot of funny sounds. sam and daddy get you to repeat all kinds of things. i can't wait until sam starts trying to get you to say things like "butt" and "poop." it's really only a matter of time.

you get going pretty fast, and when you really want to "run," you swing your right arm back and forth. i guess that helps with the momentum.

i love watching you grow up!
love, mom

p.s. daddy says you look like bruce springsteen in this outfit, and with your hair all shaggy like this.

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