Monday, October 22, 2007

you are 47 weeks old!

today our friend jess saw you and said that you look more like a little girl and less like a baby. it's true! i can't believe how fast you're growing up.

your dozens of teeth are bugging you a lot. that's all i can figure out, since you're randomly fussy, and since you wake up about every 27 minutes. sometimes i think you're never going to sleep through the night...

you went on your first hay ride, on saturday night. you loved it. i think you're going to be a pretty fearless little girl, and i know we're going to have to watch you closely to keep you out of everything.

you're getting more and more silly. you still love to dance, and yesterday in church you were rocking and dancing and lifting up your hands. and you are laughing a lot more than you used to. it's all so fun to see! except the crying at 9... and 9:27....and 9:54....

love, mom

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