Tuesday, October 9, 2007

you are 45 weeks old.

woops! i realized earlier that today is tuesday. which means yesterday was monday. and again, we forgot to take your picture and make your weekly blog entry. things have been a bit crazy lately, but it's all slowing down a bit.

that is a 12-18 month dress. you've been wearing a lot of 12-18 lately. you're getting to be such a big girl!

on sunday, lots of people came over to see the new house. everyone really liked your room. it's not finished yet, but your grammy misty is working on your bumpers now, and we'll get curtains and stuff up in no time. we definitely need to get you a mirror, because you really like to look at that baby.

you like playing with the toys in your room, especially the peek-a-blocks and the rubber ducky and the leapfrog table. you like to stand at the table and play with the different stuff. i wouldn't be too surprised to see you walking before too too long. especially after stuff like this:
pushing your pal bella around in the walker.

today, you and i napped late, so i just now got you to bed. we did the cry-it-out thing for a while, and it worked, essentially. i mean, you fell asleep finally. but you were crying more and more, not less and less. so we abandoned that, and we're trying the baby whisperer method. every time you cry i either pick you up or pat you, but only until you stop crying. tonight, it was 64 pickups, more or less. eventually you got to sleep by yourself, without just wailing until you were too exhausted to continue. i like this method better, though it's much more time consuming... i think it's actually teaching you that 1. your crib is not scary. 2. if you're scared or sad, someone will comfort you. 3. going to sleep is okay.

we probably should have gotten you in your own bed long, long ago. but better late than never, i guess. sorry for making it harder on you by letting you sleep with us for so long. i'm hopeful, though, because i think pretty soon we'll all be sleeping better.

love, mom

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