Monday, September 3, 2007

you are 40 weeks old!

this past week has been a big one! we bought our first house on friday. you were such a good girl through the whole process, starting months ago. you were calm and sweet and happy when we went to look at houses, and you were a good girl again on friday when we went to sign about 8 million pieces of paper. you will get your very own room, and this will be super exciting! i have big plans. we'll see if they come together.

yesterday in church, you were chewing on my finger, and i felt that your 5th tooth (the bottom second-right incisor) had come through at some point. that explained all the spit-soaked shirts and night wakings of late. i think there's another one coming soon, as last night wasn't much better.

we went to see nany today in fort smith and ate at Marketplace. that's where i was working when we found out you were on your way! anyway, you got to use those teeth to try lots of fun food, like chicken and strawberries and chocolate mess. you loved it all!

your new favorite thing to do is clap. you're doing it in the picture, and you smile real big when i see you doing it and say, "clap clap clap!" i think it makes you happy when we understand and acknowledge what you're doing.

you are much much much less anxious with strangers lately, and this is a big relief to everyone. the past two sundays at church you stayed in the baby room and played with the other babies without crying at all when i left you there.

daddy has a new nickname for you. he's coming out of the "betty" phase and is transitioning to "libby." i think that elisabeth has more nicknames than any other name i know, but i hope that someday we'll settle into "ellie."

love, mom

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