Wednesday, September 26, 2007

today's been fun for all!

i jest. it's actually been pretty rough.

you woke up at 4am with an axillary temperature of 102.3, which is quite high. this morning your temperature was down to 101.2, but you threw up again. then you fell back asleep and woke up seeming pretty fine, no fever or anything. then you took a nap and woke up super hot again, and you threw up all your lunch.

we went to the doctor, and he said you have an ear infection starting in your left ear, but that your lungs sound clear. that was super good news, since i had been fearing pneumonia. so the fighting the ear infection, plus the teething (according to the doc you have some "big upper teeth" coming in... i hope that doesn't mean you're going to have horse teeth) made your fever run pretty high. and the not feeling good and high fever is probably what caused you to throw up. despite the throwing up, you've gained about 5oz. in the past week and a half, up to 18lbs. 7oz.

so, we got you a giant bottle of antibiotic that you somehow have to choke down in the next 10 days. you've been pretty clingy and have had a hard time going to sleep tonight, but we'll try again pretty soon. right now you are looking pretty pitiful on daddy. you try to crawl higher and higher up onto us, like you're perching under our necks and clinging there like a little tiny sick monkey. it's all pretty sad. and we hope you feel better soon, because it is super hard to see you so sad and feeling so yucky.

a white onesie seems like a good outfit to wear when you're sick.
love, mom

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