Monday, November 19, 2007

you are 51 weeks old!

wow, just one more week until your birthday. and it's going to fly by, because thanksgiving is on thursday, and the family party for yours and sam's birthday will be this weekend.

you are getting so big and silly and fun. you like to make a silly face a lot, where you scrunch up your eyes and open your mouth all funny. here's a picture of you doing it for daddy. you make that face at him more than anyone.

you love to give kisses, and you make the "muh" sound when you do it. they are very slobbery and sweet!

your friend abby taught you to point, so you point at lots of stuff now, especially the ceiling.

you say ma-ma a lot. i think that's what you're saying. of course it is!!

you're still pretty hard to take a picture of. mostly you want to crawl away or stand up!

we survived the week without daddy here, and we were all very excited to see him come home on saturday. when we went to pick him up, and you saw him, you were waving your arms and trying to jump out of my arms to get to him. it was pretty cute, and he was surprised that you reacted that much to seeing him. you love your daddy!

and everyone loves you. sam randomly comes over to you to tell you that you're "cute" and "beautiful." he's right!

love, mom

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