Monday, August 20, 2007

apparently you don't like hats.

so, i made a few hats lately, for gifts for people. i decided it would be a good idea to start taking pictures of that stuff, since i don't use patterns or anything, just so i'd have a sort of record of things i've done/made. i figured the hats would look cuter on a baby than just sitting on the couch. either i picked the wrong time to take the pictures, or you were sad that they were for other people and not you, or you just hate hats...

i'll still make you one for winter, not knowing whether you'll wear it with a smile or a frown. i hope you love hats soon, because you are pretty cute in them, even while throwing a fit.
love, mom

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Ellie-We didn't know you had those faces in you! We love it!! Your beautiful no matter what kind of expression you have on your face!