Friday, April 13, 2007

you went to see the doctor today.

and everything is great! the doctor and nurses were really impressed with how alert and calm and sweet you were. the first nurse said that you were the calmest baby she's seen in a while, and the doctor said you seem much older than four months. the second nurse really thought you had pretty eyes, and she felt bad having to poke you with the needles.

you really played it up after you got your shots, crying/shrieking, then calming down, and then crying again when the nurse looked at you, and making a pouty face and one tear come out. and then calming down, and then crying again when she talked to you again. i guessed you wanted her to know you weren't too happy with her.

the doctor said you don't need any solids yet, because you're gaining weight really well. according to him, there's no need to introduce other foods yet and dilute the benefits of your current food source. soooooo it might be a few weeks yet before you taste those carrots.

you are 26 and 1/4 inches. that's the 95th percentile,
14 lbs 15 oz. that's somewhere around the 75th percentile, and
16 inches in head circumference. that's around the 50th percentile.

love, mom

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