Monday, January 29, 2007

you are nine weeks old!

and smiley and sweet. you went to the doctor today, and he said that your lungs sound fine. this was a big relief!! thank God you aren't getting pneumonia, like your mom got at your age.
you hate when we put the saline drops in your nose and suck out the snot with the nose bulb, but it seems to help.

today you weigh 11lbs. 4oz. you are 23 inches long, and your head is 15.25 inches around. you've only gained 4 oz. in the past two weeks, because you've felt so crummy and thrown up your lunch a few times. you also got three shots today. yuck! we can't wait until you're 100% again.

here are two pictures of what you look like as a nine week old baby girl. gorgeous!

love, mom

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