Monday, December 4, 2006

you were born!

after months of waiting, you arrived! here's a picture of you your first day on the outside.

your official birthday and time are 11/27/2006, 7:55am.

you're 8lbs. 13oz., which is bigger than we expected. you're 20.5 inches tall and have lots of dark hair.

the day you were born, it was really warm, for late november. The day you came home, it got really cold, and it snowed that night.

lots of people were there to welcome you. your mom and dad, your brother, sam, all your grandparents, and nany (one of your great-grandmas). lots of friends came to visit you in the hospital as well.

you're a lot different from your big brother as a newborn. bigger...hairier...a girl...

but you're similar as well. you're sweet and mild. you like to sleep the same way, with your arms up over your head. you were born in a different hospital, but the same kind (mercy - sam was st. edward, in fort smith... you're st. mary, in rogers.) and you're exceptionally healthy, intelligent, and cute. you had the same due date (december 5), and your birthdays are only one day apart.

love, mom


Trevor said...

Elisabeth, you were born the day after your brother's birthday, just like my sister Lydia was born the day after my birthday (I was 2; Sam was 3.) Cool!

Anonymous said...

Elisabeth is such an awesome name, but maybe I'm a bit biased because it's also my name. She's adorable.